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Saturn is a Planet in our solar system, it has 62+ moons, it was visited by Cassini, before it dove down to study its marine life.

​The Rings[]

The Most Interesting feature are the rings. it makes saturn a planet of jealousy, Its unknown how they got there even though we think its the result of after the planet formed, the moons kept that ring in place. PHOOEY!

​The Moons[]

Saturn has 62+ moons. most of them in the horrible sad rings. theres not much round moons, (Unless you count methone cuz it almost looks round but flattened by a hammer). but hey, at least somebody visited them and threw something at titan. their like the moon, but WAY stranger. like enceladus is spewing out steam from a boiling pot, that mimas looks like the death star and that theres useless pieces of garbage in the rings.

​The Cassini Mission[]

Bpc cassini p28858 vignette

There was only 1 thing that orbited saturn, thats NASAs Cassini mission, it was sent there because NASA wanted to learn about the giant horrible disgusting thing called Saturn

i quit
