Wunnerpedia Explorium Wiki

KowBoyz78 KowBoyz78 4 April 2020

WunnerNews: Wunnerpedia announces why galaxies are escaping our view

We get it, The Universe is big, like way big, Bigger than itself.. what?

It’s gaalxies are moving from us, several theories point out some force, but Wunnerpedia has another interesting idea.

The galaxies are about to crash into the Universes Wall!

What’s happening is, The galaxies are gonna crash into the barriers of the universe, the result is that they bounce back off, I mean think about it, The universes sky has some color for a reason, ITS A WALL. A WALL OF SPACE.

What would happen is that the galaxies will Crash Head-First, the result? Everything goes flying out of it, The solar systems & planets? Oh their spared, they remain in 1 piece, though they might crash into another solar system.

This also suggests the wall is pulling the galaxies…

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KowBoyz78 KowBoyz78 17 March 2019

WunnerNews: Wunnerpedia announces Nicknames for hurricanes

Wunnerpedia has announced it will start nicknaming hurricanes either because A. Hurricanes don’t that much scary-names, and B. There are some names that weren’t used. The names will be listed down below (we already retired Florence and Michael, if you see a name bolder in the parenthesis, that means we retired it), note the our Atlantic nickname system uses all 6 lists, Our pacific system uses 3 lists instead of 6, our typhoon, Cyclone and Winter storm (USA and UK) are in random order.

  • 1 Atlantic Ocean
  • 2 East Pacific Ocean (NOTE: will have some nicknames from the Atlantic basin)
  • 3 Central Pacific
  • 4 West Pacific (Note, We name Typhoons based on what country/territory they formed closest too)
  • 5 Indian Ocean and Australia Basin Cyclones (Cyclones that …

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KowBoyz78 KowBoyz78 27 October 2017

WunnerNews: NASA discovers a weird thing the size of 56,000 luna louds

At some unknown time, NASA confirmed they have found a giant space... thing  called A/2017 U1 i guess. the object is about the 96x size of luna loud. it was discovered by some thing called Pan-STARRS, wait WELL PHOOEY PAN-STARRS IT SHOULD BE "PAN-STARS". where was i? oh right. its also half the size of the magic pebble, infact, it passes earth 60x the distance of the moon and 120x the distance of the magic pebble.

the answer is simple. while Pan-STARRS was tracking activity of the magic pebble, they saw a tiny spot which they named U1. but lincoln loud suggested names like "Serpent" or "Quasar" but it was not approved sadly. well phooey adam mcperson, you threw a piece of bread at me.

Whats the solar junkyard you may ask? well its a giant be…

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KowBoyz78 KowBoyz78 22 October 2017

WunnerNews: Wunnerpedia decides to launch a telescope, if it gets funded and is a thing

According to somebody, WunnerPedia wants to launch a sky surveyor into space to map the sky and put it on a map. somebody says

it will be if some space agency agrees with this. otherwise it would not be real. So yeah, it consists of a giant radio dish, 6 cameras, 1 radio stick, a light stealing machine *to take images* and 2 solar panels.

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KowBoyz78 KowBoyz78 19 October 2017

WunnerNews: Voyager 1 beams back images of planet nine

at thursday, 6:23 PM, it had flewby planet nine and took images

"what a accomplishment" says NASA, now we thank voyager for this beutifal image.

and i just realized, this is the shortest WunnerNews Blog post ever.

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KowBoyz78 KowBoyz78 23 September 2017

What was the most craziest thing you thought of?

Which of these do you see looks crazy.

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KowBoyz78 KowBoyz78 19 September 2017

WunnerNews: Voyager 1 Found Planet 9, About to perform a flyby

NASA has confirmed The Planet Nine is real based on photographs captured by thingy called voyager 1.

Voyager 1 was a giant trashpile that was launched in 1977, Then in I dunno.. 1978 it flew past Jupiter for no reason and took photos of its boring moons. So boring. Then it went passed saturn in 1980 and took pictures of its moons and some of the great Saturnian kraken. Then after it went to Titan. A giant Spahgetti Kraken camped by and threw voyager 1 I dunno a few 888383838383983938472948929389282739283939929393hi2882 miles away.

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KowBoyz78 KowBoyz78 15 September 2017

WunnerNews: NASA to kill Cassini by throwing it into saturn

Tomorrow, the National Awesomly Space Agency AKA NASA plans on throwing Cassini into Saturn to die, it will be destroyed by the Giant Saturnian Kraken, which will take Cassini to be food for the other Saturnian Kraken, there it would study about the the Giant Squids and Octopuses that live there. For the end of the mission, NASA placed a secret instrument on Cassini called the "Charlies Kraken Cam" or CHALKcam, because it was made from chalk, yeah whatever

  • 1 What is Cassini?
  • 2 why NASA wanna get rid of Cassini?
  • 3 Big news!
  • 4 more big news!

Cassini was a giant piece of junk that was sent to saturn, the ringed planet that most people find NOT SO INTERESTING, then it sent this garbage called Huygens to Saturns moon Titan to find out data about the use…

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KowBoyz78 KowBoyz78 10 September 2017

Test blog post

What, this isn't an announcement. Fanfic or anything, it's just a test, I bet the blog post wasted your time

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